How to write an article?

Click on [Writers]
You get the following screen:

Enter your name and your editor password.
Click on [connexion]

Click on [articles]

Click on [write an article]

Type the article title in English and in your own language.
BE CAREFUL if you copy a text written with word , first you have to click on the icon "Word".
Choose the article box by clicking on the symbol on the right of [Articles box]
Choose your article box: example: "Who are we?" "Cultural patrimony" and so on.

Click on the Wysiwig editor button in this part below the French flag.

Here you can type your text and put pictures in your article and then save it in the left corner.

Save your document by clicking on [send]. Your article will be written in HTML internet code.

In this part with the English flag, you must type your article in English.
In the part with the French flag, you must type your article in your own language.
Don't forget to register your article by clicking on the button [register] in the bottom of the page.

Show the article on the by clicking on 1 and 2 |