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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Jaen Ζάεν - First visit, Apt France
working.jpgThe Comenius program aims to strengthen the European dimension in the field of nursery, primary and secondary schools, promoting mobility and cooperation between schools.
In Pedro Poveda school, Maria Ruiz Gomez and Maxi took Mulrooney
are participating in the call for Comenius.

They have Just returned from France where they have worked on the project, have contributed  with ideas and decided the most appropriate techniques to work for the coming months.

They have created a website ( where they  will attach experiences so they can be shared by all participating countries (teachers, parents and students themselves )

Following the great success of France, in February  is Jaén´s turn , Pedro Poveda school, will share  educational and other stuff with the rest of the countries. Teachers will come from Greece, France, Poland, Turkey and Romania.

The school aims to create a European atmosphere both inside the classroom and in the corridors, with the help of parents, teachers and students.

In France were received by the Mayor (Apt), and also visited several schools, working in the field with French students and teachers.

Creation date : 29/11/2009 · 23:24
Last update : 03/12/2009 · 18:38
Category : Jaen Ζάεν
Page read 4162 times

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