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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Baranowo Μπαρανόβο - goodbye winter
On Monday, March 22nd children were celebrating the coming of spring. Immediately after breakfast we all went for a walk to the lake to say goodbye to winter and to bring Spring back to kindergarten. the children said goodbye Marzanna-symbolizing winter, and carrying colorful grove went to kindergarten. On the way back, all looked for  signs of spring - buds on the trees, crocuses and snowdrops in their gardens.

Everyone was happy with the parade and we  proved to be very effective, because the very next day the weather had turned very spring

Creation date : 13/04/2010 · 21:56
Last update : 13/04/2010 · 21:56
Category : Baranowo Μπαρανόβο
Page read 3467 times

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