One week in March in our kindergarten was a "Spanish Week". Many interesting things happened at that time . In the classrooms you could hear could hear the Spanish melodies, the children tried to play Spanish instruments, learn Spanish dances. One of the groups maked a beautiful fans. We all learned a few words in Spanish (such as hi - hola, good morning - buenos dias, thank you - gracias, goodbye - adios), and some also began to count in Spanish (uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco). Of course, all the children learned that the capital of Spain is Madrid,watched the photos and albums with the sights of this beautiful country, have known of its flag and emblem. In each of the classrooms appeared a table/place to which the children brought various items related to Spain. Most of them were souvenirs from family trips. Children also learned a lot about Spanish cuisine. They had the opportunity to prepare and taste Spanish tapas. Tried a fresh churros and arroz con leche. For friday dinner The cook has prepared for all the fish in Catalan. the Spanish week could not go without the theme of fairy tales and stories. Kids got to know the Spanish tale about a white wolf, but also listened to other stories associated with that country. Spanish Week ended the ceremony, everybody could see pictures of children and school in Jaen. Our pre-schoolers could compare how similar the rooms, toys, teaching aids and activities are . Later there was an artistic performance - the children of the older group presented lessons learned during our "Spanish Week".
Creation date : 13/04/2010 · 22:21
Last update : 13/04/2010 · 22:23
Category : Baranowo Μπαρανόβο
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