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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Adana Άδανα - CHILDREN'S DAY
CHILDREN'S DAY Gazi Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) declared April 23,1920,the day of the inauguration of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey,a holiday in honor of the nation’s children. Starting in 1979 Turkey began sharing its pride and joy in that historic occasion with all the world’s children.There is no other holiday in the world that brings together every year,in feelings of brother love, children reared on the principle of peace at home and peace abroad. Entrusting the future to children and youth In one of the most salient expressions of his progressive views,Atatürk entrusted the nation’s future to its children and young people.And the generations of Turks who founded and have nurtured a growing,developing,modern Turkey from 1920 right up to today have all emerged from among people who themselves were once children. April 23rd in its 90th year: The April 23rd Festivities,in which children aged 5 – 14 from more than fifty countries take part annualy,marked their 90th anniversary this year.This unique Republican tradation that had its inception in 1920 has over time generated its own history and literature. Childrens_day.jpgchildrens_day2.jpg

Creation date : 01/05/2010 · 14:37
Last update : 14/05/2010 · 18:00
Category : Adana Άδανα
Page read 3845 times

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