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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Adana Άδανα - Eco-school
ECO-SCHOOLS Eco-Schools is a programme for environmental management and certification, designed to implement sustainable development education in schools by encouraging children and youth to take an active role in how their school can be run for the benefit of the environment. The Eco-Schools Programme employs an holistic, participatory approach, combining learning and action, thus providing an effective method for improving the environments of schools and producing actual awareness raising and behavioral change in young people, school staff, families, local authorities, and so on, having significant repercussions in the local communities. ecoschool1.jpgecoschool3.jpgecoschool2.jpg

Creation date : 22/05/2010 · 13:29
Last update : 22/05/2010 · 13:49
Category : Adana Άδανα
Page read 3498 times

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