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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Oradea Οραντέα - Our kindergarten
Our kindergarten is situated in the South part of the city, in the Crisul Repede River's Bank, near the Fortress of Oradea. There are 9 groups of children in our kindergarten ( 240 children), aged between 3 to 7. Children from 6 groups have their daily program from 6 am to 5.30 pm. They have three meals: breakfast, lunch and a snack when they get up at 3.30. They sleep at noon here.We have 3 groups of children with a short program, from 8 am till 1 pm, one group who learn in Hungarian. At the beginning of the school year, the parents choose for extra activities, like English, dance, gymnastics, chess, painting and so on.
Our children live in a neighborhood at the edge of the city, in blocks of flats or houses. The great majority of parents (80%) are workers or employees.
Our school is a modernized and well-equiped one in connection with the primary school, an Asylum for old people and the Orthodox Church.

Creation date : 16/05/2011 · 19:29
Last update : 16/05/2011 · 19:29
Category : Oradea Οραντέα
Page read 1865 times

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