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Chez Jean-Mi

Chez Jean-Mi

Oradea Οραντέα - Romanian Easter

The legend of the painted eggs say that during the Pesach (the Hebrew Passover) Virgin Mary came to see her crucified son. She carried a basket with eggs, which she laid at the foot of the cross while praying for Christ. His holy blood dropped on the eggs and reddened them, so the Lord said:

- From now on you shall paint the eggs in red to remember my crucifixion.

The meaning of Easter is preserved, no matter what colors we might choose.
In Romania the tradition of decorating eggs is ancestral. It takes a long time, talent and patience to paint these eggs. First they are emptied of their contents and covered with a thin layer of bee wax. Then the meticulous work can begin. Using special tools like “chisita” women “write” the motifs in vegetal (natural) colors. Each element has a meaning and nothing is left to chance.
A Romanian painted egg tells you a story, if you know how to read it. Among the many stylized motifs you’ll often find the tree of life, the sun, the cross, the rooster, the snake and oak leaves, waves, spirals and much more. Each egg is unique. Each egg is special.
The shells of the Easter eggs are blessed, they should not be thrown away, but sprinkled over the soil in gardens to provide for fertility and richer crops.


Creation date : 18/05/2011 · 15:30
Last update : 18/05/2011 · 15:30
Category : Oradea Οραντέα
Page read 1575 times

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